Please Note: Items over 10 lbs will not be able to be shipped, and must be picked up in store. All other items will be available for shipping.

New Country Organics Layer Feed - 50 lb Bag

Regular price $44.99 Sale

Our Certified Organic, Soy-Free 17% Protein Layer Feed is a complete nutritional feed of cracked and milled grain that's supplemented with organic kelp and alfalfa, and Poultry Nutri-Balancer. Designed for adult laying hens, our layer feed is formulated with additional calcium for egg shell strength and organic flaxseed to increase the omega-3 content of the eggs. Made exclusively with North American Organic Grains. 

This item is available in a 50 lb bag. 

Items over 10 lbs can not be shipped and msut be picked up in store.