SAFE-GUARD® (fenbendazole) Canine Dewormer 4 G 3/PKG
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Dewormer for dogs only for the treatment and control of Roundworms
(Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum,
Uncinaria stenocephala), Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis), and Tapeworms
(Taenia pisiformis). Safe-Guard® is the ONLY over-the-counter canine
dewormer that treats ALL 4 major intestinal worms in dogs. The
premeasured pouches make it easy to give the right dose based on your
dog’s weight. Safe for dogs of all breeds, puppies (at least 6 weeks of
age), pregnant dogs and older dogs. Dogs readily accept Safe-Guard®
Canine Granules when mixed in food, dogs usually eat it without fuss,
which helps to ensure that they receive a complete and proper dosing.
(3) 4 gram packets – each packet treats 40 lbs.
(Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), Hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum,
Uncinaria stenocephala), Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis), and Tapeworms
(Taenia pisiformis). Safe-Guard® is the ONLY over-the-counter canine
dewormer that treats ALL 4 major intestinal worms in dogs. The
premeasured pouches make it easy to give the right dose based on your
dog’s weight. Safe for dogs of all breeds, puppies (at least 6 weeks of
age), pregnant dogs and older dogs. Dogs readily accept Safe-Guard®
Canine Granules when mixed in food, dogs usually eat it without fuss,
which helps to ensure that they receive a complete and proper dosing.
(3) 4 gram packets – each packet treats 40 lbs.