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Just Like Mom - Bovine Colostrum

Regular price $18.99 Sale

  • Just Like Mom® is a natural bovine colostrum and can be used to replace
    or supplement maternal colostrum as an aid in the treatment of Failure
    of Passive Transfer (FTP) in newborn calves. IgG molecules are readily
    absorbed for maximum immune protection. More than 85% IgG1 – the
    antibody most effective in protecting calves against diarrhea and
    pneumonia. Broad spectrum of antibodies with demonstrated efficacy in 3
    continents. High in Colostral Fat - an important energy source required
    by calves immediately after birth. Free of pathogens that cause the
    following diseases: Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Leucosis,
    Paratuberculosis (causing Johne’s disease), Salmonellosis, E. coli
    infection, and others. USDA Veterinary Biologics licensed for use as a
    total replacement for maternal colostrum in calves as an aid in the
    treatment of failure of passive transfer. Easily mixes in under 15