Please Note: Items over 10 lbs will not be able to be shipped, and must be picked up in store. All other items will be available for shipping.

Purina Outlast Gastric Support Supplement

Regular price $47.99 Sale

Confidence - Outlast® supplement contains a unique blend of ingredients that are designed to support gastric balance, giving you and your horse the confidence to perform.

Designed to Support Gastric Balance - Purina's Ph.D. Equine Nutritionists have spent hundreds of hours (and counting) researching Outlast® supplement at our state-of-the-art nutrition research farm in Missouri.

Field-tested and Horse-approved - As part of our rigorous testing process, hundreds of performance horses around the country participated in our nutrition research.

Flexible Feeding - Our research shows horses enjoy Outlast® supplement top-dressed or fed as a snack before a stressful event.

Incredible Value - Finally, while we know your horse’s comfort has no price, Outlast® supplement provides an a­ffordable tool to support your horse’s gastric health.

This item is available in a 50 lb bag.

Items over 10 lbs can not be shipped and must be picked up in store.